• Value Creation for All

    The Centre for Supplier Development is the ideal high performance
    enhancing partner for you.

  • Training and

    Cultivating mutual trust is crucial to supplier development.

Welcome to Centre for Supplier Development

Promoting, facilitating and supporting supplier development across all sectors of the economy in South Africa.

Enterprise Development

We have the depth and breadth of experience, expertise and capabilities to be a preferred partner to your organisation on projects of any magnitude.

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Supplier Development

Our Strategic intent is to promote, facilitate and support supplier development across all sectors of the economy in South Africa.

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About Centre for Supplier Development

Centre for Supplier Development (CFSD) is the bridge and platform for Industry (government, organised business and industry sector bodies), Business (SOE’s and private sector), and Enterprises (SMME’S, accredited and prospective suppliers) to find, communicate, understand and do business with each other for the benefit of all stakeholders. With CFSD, each one of the players in Supplier Development emerges a winner. Read more »

Our Past and Present Clients

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